Saturday 20 April 2013

Train Spotting...

Thought I'd get my anorak on today and do some train spotting for my Graphic Design Unit 2 exam. It's all about researching and designing a train livery logo and promotional items.

Luckily Manchester Oxford Road and Piccadilly train stations are only 1 bus journey away. This was really good because I came away with lots of train photographs and a huge amount of train time tables and leaflets = HEAVY!

I'm surprised how many different train companies there are, Virgin, First Trans Pennine and Cross Country to name a few.

It was really cold and draughty on the station platforms :(.  Although today was worth all the effort because I've now got lots of photographs and materials to work with, hopefully giving me inspiration when designing my own train livery logo.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Meet the artists...

Cracking on with my unit 2 AS Fine Art exam coursework now.

I contacted and met up with some local artists in their studios at Woodend Mill, Mossley.

Gordon Clegg and Alyson Leach both gave me some great advice and let me photograph their studio environments - this was great research for my unit 2 Fine Art exam (Which was to research Artists Studios).