Friday 5 July 2013

4 Talent Taster Day :)

Just got back from a round trip to Lincoln...  Channel 4 television have a brilliant website and sometime earlier I found their posts about '4 Talent' Taster days held around the UK.  Luckily I hadn't missed the chance to apply for the next location i.e. Lincoln, so I eagerly filled in all the application forms, waited patiently and received an invitation to attend :) :) !!!

Mum and I arrived at Manchester Piccadilly train station, early last Tuesday morning and caught the train(s) to Lincoln. I was already getting excited, I've been to Lincoln before on family holidays, it's a lovely city, walking up that hill to get to the castle and cathedral is a bit of a killer though... :(.

Anyway, getting back to the point, we arrived in Lincoln, checked in at the brand new Premier Inn - got a double bed to myself - YES!!!!! :), had a quick look around, mainly the shops then off to Nando's at Brayford Wharf!!!

It was great to see the swans are still there which made up for the miserable drizzly rain.

Thankfully I had a really good nights sleep, mum and I were up early next day to get to 'The Showroom' for the Taster day.  We arrived in plenty of time and it was already starting to fill with fellow '4Talenter's', I was getting really nervous by now as the majority of people attending were a bit older than me... :(.

The 4Talent crew were brilliant, organising and sorting us all into groups.  We each received a 'goodie bag' but the amount of information, advice and practical experience we received was intense and mind blowing - I was really shattered by the end of the day!

One of my practical activities was to try out TV Presenting. I learnt a lot from this activity e.g. Producing, Announcing, How to make it in the TV industry and how to interview people.

I'm front row, next to the guy with the grey hat :)

Fell asleep on the train journeys home but felt really proud of myself for attending and learning such a lot - Thanks Channel 4 :).