Friday 5 June 2015

Best day ever !!!! BBC, Nando's and Wicked :) :)

I've just finished my first week of work experience with the BBC. Will talk about my experiences more when my placement has ended.

Anyway, mum met me outside BBC/CBeebie's offices at Media City after I finished work cos today we have tickets for my forthcoming birthday celebrations, to see the musical 'Wicked', here at the Lowry Theatre!!!!!  I'm so excited !!!!!! :) :).

First things first though, I've just devoured my Nando's double chicken wrap (hhhmmmmm) and now waiting for my carrot cake and coffee - please hurry.......

Here's a quick shot of the Wicked stage, mum got good seats.

(Later) I had a brilliant time - Wicked is awesome and intense, can't stop singing :) :).

Also managed to capture a few night shots of Media City - it's so pretty...  Here's an example.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Uni Video Production Module is TOUGH !!!!!

I'm really tired now, just finished my 2nd film for Video Production, ready for submission and the dreaded marking.......:(.

This uni module has been really interesting and informative, I've learnt such a lot about filming and production, together with 'hands on' experience using our industry standard camera's, recording and lighting equipment etc.

However without doubt this was also incredibly stressful, our class dividing into groups to work together and help with our individual documentary and drama videos. This helping us to understand and experience what it's like to work as a team, become more organised and deal with problems as they arise...

Anyway, together with my documentary and drama groups we worked hard - well most of us :), and I'm happy to say I've finished editing my footage - adding music where appropriate.  Now I've just got to wait and see what my tutors think of my attempts.

In the meantime please take a look at my 1st film, my documentary based on 'My Work Life', where I found and interviewed a young businesswoman who has recently set up and is rapidly expanding her successful wedding stationary, invites, 'save the dates' etc.

 My Work Life: Save the Date

For my Drama film we had to choose a 3 minute scene from a well known, popular television drama. I chose 'Sherlock' - The Blind Banker, where Soo Lin is hiding in the museum where she works, frightened for her life.

This drama shoot was more intense than my documentary as I had to find a location, make and provide suitable props, choose my Sherlock and Soo Lin actors and direct the remainder of my group with filming, sound and lighting - needless to say I was extremely happy when we finished my filming but I was exhausted too :).

Here's a link to my Sherlock the Blind Banker scene - I hope you like it?

Sherlock - The Blind Banker

Friday 24 April 2015

I hate creepy crawlies...................:(

Just popped back to uni to sort out a location and book camera equipment for the Drama film I have to make in May - more about this later.

Anway, mum suggested we pop into the Lowry Theatre and check out their L S Lowry art gallery, which was really interesting and inspiring. Then she guided me around a corner to the 'Art Installation' piece, nothing strange till mum said look up..................

Here's me pale, quietly freaking out - I hate creepy crawlies, especially giant ants!!!!!!

This is an installation piece by Colombian artist Rafael Gomezbarros, on loan from the Saatchi Gallery, London.

He travelled worldwide placing the individual giant ants he's made in swarms across buildings and landmarks then took photographs.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Working for the BBC!!!!! :)

Just got back from shopping with my Mum and I'm really happy and excited!!!!  I only received a phone call from CBeebies offering me a 3 week Work Experience placement at Media City !!!!! = Well Chuffed :)....

I can't say much at the moment but I'll be working in the Production office and on Location for a young children's magazine style show.

Can't wait for June :) :) :)

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Manchester Digital - Talent Day

Day off from uni so I decided to pop along to Manchester Town Hall - Albert Square.  It's Chinese New Year on the 19th of this month - hence the bright red decorations.

Today the town hall was host to Manchester Digital, who provided opportunities for students to meet Manchester based employers and attend 'employability' seminars to help gain jobs in the IT, Graphics and Media sectors.

It was a really interesting and productive day, I learn't a lot and met some very helpful and informative people.  The main piece of advice being 'seek as much work experience as possible'... I'd better get my skates on :).

Friday 30 January 2015

2nd Semester looming.....literally climbing the walls !!!

It's back to uni on Monday - I'm looking forward to the return - last semester was mainly Radio and now it's Video.  It's been quite a long Christmas break...I've not totally hibernated  chilled out however, I've been back to uni recently - learning how to research and obtain media related work experience.  I found these classes really inspiring and helpful.

Also, feeling rather sluggish after the Christmas break I had a sudden impulse to do something unusual.  Together with Sam, my sister, we decided to go rock climbing...OUCH!!!

Needless to say attempting to scramble up what felt like a never ending rock face, we both succeeded in reaching the top - not an easy task even with matching purple jacket and converse!

My arms and thighs have never hurt so much - THANKS Chill Factor...

Sam and I reckon we'll rock climb again some day - but not any time soon :-
  • Hurts too much!
  • Humiliating when little kids pass you by, rocketing up the walls like fuel injected spiders!!