Friday 30 January 2015

2nd Semester looming.....literally climbing the walls !!!

It's back to uni on Monday - I'm looking forward to the return - last semester was mainly Radio and now it's Video.  It's been quite a long Christmas break...I've not totally hibernated  chilled out however, I've been back to uni recently - learning how to research and obtain media related work experience.  I found these classes really inspiring and helpful.

Also, feeling rather sluggish after the Christmas break I had a sudden impulse to do something unusual.  Together with Sam, my sister, we decided to go rock climbing...OUCH!!!

Needless to say attempting to scramble up what felt like a never ending rock face, we both succeeded in reaching the top - not an easy task even with matching purple jacket and converse!

My arms and thighs have never hurt so much - THANKS Chill Factor...

Sam and I reckon we'll rock climb again some day - but not any time soon :-
  • Hurts too much!
  • Humiliating when little kids pass you by, rocketing up the walls like fuel injected spiders!!