Friday 5 June 2015

Best day ever !!!! BBC, Nando's and Wicked :) :)

I've just finished my first week of work experience with the BBC. Will talk about my experiences more when my placement has ended.

Anyway, mum met me outside BBC/CBeebie's offices at Media City after I finished work cos today we have tickets for my forthcoming birthday celebrations, to see the musical 'Wicked', here at the Lowry Theatre!!!!!  I'm so excited !!!!!! :) :).

First things first though, I've just devoured my Nando's double chicken wrap (hhhmmmmm) and now waiting for my carrot cake and coffee - please hurry.......

Here's a quick shot of the Wicked stage, mum got good seats.

(Later) I had a brilliant time - Wicked is awesome and intense, can't stop singing :) :).

Also managed to capture a few night shots of Media City - it's so pretty...  Here's an example.