Friday 28 June 2013

Salford university open day - Media City campus.

Summer holidays are finally here, no more AS year !!! :).  Had another great open day at Salford university's Media City campus today - now I'm really interested in their TV and Radio undergraduate degree course.

I used the Metrolink to get to Media City, which was interesting as it was my first time on a tram. Another plus is this service stops right outside 'Media City' at Salford Quays, home to the newly built Salford university campus and BBC's Blue Peter garden.

Stepping off the tram was impressive, surrounded by huge buildings all home to media production companies such as BBC and ITV, it was really exciting.

Mum came with me today and literally had to drag me away from the campus canteen 'i-table's :).

Today's TV and Radio course talk was really inspiring. This course is hard work but exciting and interesting especially with the many work experience opportunities provided by ITV, BBC and other neighbouring media production companies.

Going to Salford's and Manchester Met's open days makes me want to work hard with my A levels. Now I know I want to move on to university and study a media based course :).

Friday 21 June 2013

My Graphics and Fine Art exhibition.

Just got back from college and my  'Graphics and Fine Art' exhibition.  Mum and my sister came along and we had a very interesting and cultural evening, chatting with my tutors and viewing my own and work produced by the other AS and A2 year students.

A selection of my AS Fine Art featuring studio environments and famous landmarks.
My graphics teacher told me throughout the exhibition he'd received some very complimentary comments about our Graphics work. :)  Our A2 year have produced some fantastic pieces of work and most are moving on to degree level at university.

A selection of my AS Graphics's featuring iconic women.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Manchester Metropolitan university open day, plus graduate Art and Design exhibition.

Found out I have to start choosing which university and degree course I would like to move on to when I leave college in Summer 2014!  College advise we attend university open days during this years summer holidays as they will help us to decide.

I went to Manchester Metropolitan university's open day today.  The campus buildings are impressive, especially the brand new 'Manchester School of Art' Art and Design building.

I decided to attend the undergraduate Film and Media studies and foundation Art and Design lectures today. All were very informative, interesting and exciting. Manchester Met is definitely one of my UCAS choices, especially after viewing their graduate exhibitions today, the standard of work is excellent and very professional. :)

Here I'm getting 'hands on' with the graduates artwork :).

Saturday 1 June 2013

AS Unit 2 Media

For this Unit, I had to produce my own Music Magazine, I used Blogger to record my progress. Here is the link.

My AS Media Blog

AS Unit 2 Art

In this Unit, I had to research Artists Studios and create my own pieces of artwork dedicated to artist studios, for example sketching parts of a photograph using different mixed media types.

AS Unit 2 Graphics

Here is my completed Unit 2. I had to design my own Train Livery Logo and train promotional items e.g. Posters, Resources, Train Tickets etc. 

My Train Logo

My 'Xpedi City' train app using my logo

My 'Xpedi City' coffee cup

Poster advertising my Train Company

An idea of what my train livery would look like with my logo and colour design

Plan of what my trains look like

Poster advertising 'Xpedi City' Student Discount Cards

Student Discount card
It was hard work but I had a lot of fun working on my Graphics Unit 2, researching, designing and creating everything.