Monday 7 October 2013

Film Running...

I don't mind admitting but I'm really tired now, it's been a really busy week what with my earlier London trip with college and Film Running.

Late on in the college holidays I contacted and met up (together with my mum) with a local guy called Rob who's seriously looking to set up, direct and film a short story he had written together with Kym - the leading actress in their film called 'The Empire'.

To start everything off I had to find a location suitable for a small nightclub scene - thankfully I managed to secure a pub venue for the Sunday morning shoot, but most time consuming of all I've had to source and locate props for the film - not an easy task but Rob and Kym were very happy with my efforts :).

Anyway, filming took place in and around Manchester last weekend right after my return from London :(.  I had to help set up equipment, move furniture, make all props readily available, make sure things ran smoothly as directed on the call sheet and when filming took place I helped out as script supervisor.  Not to mention being the 'go-fer' for coffee and food etc...

Call Sheet for 1st day of filming.

We (Rob's team) managed to complete filming as per the schedule - which made Rob happy, I had a fantastic and interesting time but I'm really glad it's over... until the next time that is...........:):)

Used my film running experience to create a Graphics 'collage' journal page.

Even though film running was really stressful it was also exciting and great to be part of a team helping to create something.  I'd recommend 'running' to anyone interested in Media work.

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