Sunday 11 August 2013

Guide Bridge theatre volunteering.

Now also volunteering at our local Guide Bridge theatre, in Audenshaw GBT.  I got stuck in on my first day helping to paint the set for the production of Henrik Ibsen's play 'A Dolls House'. Paint brush in one hand and roller in the other I helped paint the set in green and brown Victorian style colours. Decorating was really good, something I've never done before and I have to admit the set looked really good after we had finished.  The people that run the theatre are really dedicated to producing plays every few months.

I have to admit it's been quite hard work so far but I've already learn't a few skills and made new friends. I'm looking forwarding to learning more about the theatre, soon I'll be able to help out with more interesting jobs, alongside the cleaning and vacuuming, like sourcing props and costumes (working at the charity shops will probably be helpful with this), also helping with 'front of house' during performances, making cups of tea, selling sweets etc...

I took my mum and sister to watch 'A Dolls House'. I feel proud how everything looks and how it's all pulled together. The set, the props and costumes look fantastic and the actors are brilliant. :)
Review published in local Tameside Reporter.

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