Friday 21 November 2014

Volunteering for our Salford International 'Next Generation Media Festival'.

Just got back from my 'Next Generation' volunteering.

This is me hard at work inside our uni reception area - helping to welcome/register/and when necessary guide students and media professionals to the various lecture rooms.  An intense 2 days but I gained good experience, met some really nice people and got to grips with portable radio communication - felt quite professional...

Here's a 'Flickr' link displaying more festival images Salford International Media Festival - November 2014.

I managed to catch a couple of the many lectures and presentations in between my volunteering shifts.  I'm really happy I have this chance to study and work within the media industry :).

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Getting to grips with Radio Production and Studio Skills :) PLUS CBeebie's filming...

After several 'Radio Skills' lessons I decided to make use of one of uni's studios and practice what I've learn't so far.

Here I am not looking intimidated by our Cartwall and Sound Desk... Learn't a lot today, which is important as later on this semester I have to work as part of a group to create, produce and present a 20 minute live radio show...

On a lighter note, my course mates and I decided to pop across to the Lowry Outlet this lunchtime, passing a BBC crew busily filming Captain Hook's boat for the CBeebies Christmas Panto :).

Monday 3 November 2014

2 Minute Radio Interview = Radio Production is HARD... :)

My first 'uni' Radio Production assignment is to research, create, edit and produce my own 2 minute radio interview = HARD.

After much 'Googling' and telephoning, I managed to secure Fire Fighter Morris to interview regarding Greater Manchester's Fire and Rescue Service 'Cadet Scheme'.  A project designed to help improve the lives of local youths, enabling them to experience many skills, not all fire-fighting related - increasing employability prospects.

Interviewing Fire-fighter Morris at Mossley Fire Station.
Here's a photograph of Firefighter Morris and myself - using a Marantz 660 to recording the interview.

He was also a great help when I had to record 'actuality', additional sounds to help my interview sound more interesting and realistic.  Actuality such as fire engine noise, tannoy messages and siren wailing being just some examples.  I used Adobe Audition software to put my recorded interview and actuality together, this was rather time consuming but I really enjoyed the editing process.