Monday 3 November 2014

2 Minute Radio Interview = Radio Production is HARD... :)

My first 'uni' Radio Production assignment is to research, create, edit and produce my own 2 minute radio interview = HARD.

After much 'Googling' and telephoning, I managed to secure Fire Fighter Morris to interview regarding Greater Manchester's Fire and Rescue Service 'Cadet Scheme'.  A project designed to help improve the lives of local youths, enabling them to experience many skills, not all fire-fighting related - increasing employability prospects.

Interviewing Fire-fighter Morris at Mossley Fire Station.
Here's a photograph of Firefighter Morris and myself - using a Marantz 660 to recording the interview.

He was also a great help when I had to record 'actuality', additional sounds to help my interview sound more interesting and realistic.  Actuality such as fire engine noise, tannoy messages and siren wailing being just some examples.  I used Adobe Audition software to put my recorded interview and actuality together, this was rather time consuming but I really enjoyed the editing process.

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