Friday 19 December 2014

Finished for Christmas Holidays :).

I've loved these past few months at uni but it's been hard work - physically and mentally.  I'm happy to say our 20 minute radio show exam went quite well - but I think my group and other course mates are all glad it's over and done with :).

Please click on these links to hear our 'Media City Monday's' magazine style radio show 'Media City Monday's' radio show and my individual project where I created our Shock Radio jingle to introduce Media City Monday's.  I made this by recording my own voice and actuality then edited together using Adobe Audition software Shock Radio Jingle for 'Media City Monday's radio show.

Content Creation and half of Radio Production hand in's are now over, just got to finish my Media Texts and Audiences 2000 word essay and Radio Production 20 minute live show 1000 word critical analysis :(.

I've made a start with both pieces of writing but for now I'm looking forward to a nice quiet Christmas with my family - I'll pick up with uni work after Boxing Day.

Happy Christmas !!!

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