Sunday 7 December 2014

Christmas with Uni / 20 Minute Magazine Radio Show Practice for 'Media City Monday's'.

Not the usual way I like to spend my Sundays - I don't mind admitting I'm pretty shattered at the moment.  Had to get to uni for 9am this morning and meet up with the rest of our radio magazine show group, so we could practice our programme content in the studio for our 20 minute show/exam scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Surprisingly all went well, our 3 hour studio session passing quickly.  We ironed out a few problems, Luke and Alex perfected their programme presenting skills, while Shannon and I grew more familiar and confident with the studio desks, working the mikes and sound levels plus Cartwall music beds.

On a lighter note, Christmas is only a couple of week's away :), here's a photo of our uni Christmas Tree = PRETTY.

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