Tuesday 10 December 2013

Making our zombie film trailer

After many months of preparation, arguing, and discussion, my Media group (myself, Aimee B and Amy J) and I are finally cracking on with filming our zombie trailer :). This group work, plus individual blog and magazine cover is for our A2 Media Studies unit 3.

With Christmas fast approaching by the time college is over it's dark outside.  We needed to film some daylight scenes, so yesterday our Media teacher kindly let us film during lesson time.

Here we are in the children's playground in a nearby park.  I wanted to film an eerie and empty scene, with swings moving on their own.  The idea is to make our film trailer audience realise something is wrong - where are the children, why is everywhere empty, what's happened ????

Gemma, our film trailer protagonist, came into college today and during our lunch break I styled her hair and gave her some cuts and bruises - not real ones -  I like Gemma :)...

Amiee and Amy prepared our film equipment and some of the props.

Here we are shooting some early trailer' scenes in our college library and wash room.

This was the best part of today... we decided to shoot a scene in subway tunnel - it was quite a spooky atmosphere and sound echoed.  Here we have Gemma in front of the camera and I'm the creepy looking figure right in the background - here was my chance to act like a zombie :).

Here I've suddenly appeared (in zombie mode) behind Gemma, where she turns round quickly, see's me and screams - however as you can see things didn't go to plan in this shot :)...

More of our filming exploits can be found in this following link A2 Media Blog.

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