Monday 28 July 2014

College feels like a distant memory...

I'm patiently waiting for my A level results - dreading 14th August :(.  So keeping myself busy before hopefully going to Uni in September, so I thought 'time to give my room a bit of a makeover'.

I want to make a 'Memory and Inspiration wall'.  Buying most of Paperchase's postcard collection and printing my favourite photographs reminded me of my time spent at college.  Hard work - which I'm glad I did, but mainly remembering my class mates and the laughs we had :).

Here's a few college memories - some good, some not so! :)

Classroom Banter :).

Don't know why but this always makes me laugh?  I used Photoshop to change this photograph into a comic book style image.

Media Studies kids with our tutor Angela - AFTER taking last exam - phew :).
I love this photograph - taken straight after we Media kids had finished our last exam - best time ever! :)

Filming 'Infection'.

Will always love this memory.  Laughing with my friend Gemma who helped me and my A Level Media Studies Film Trailer group such a LOT, during production of our Zombie Film Trailer. 

'Infection' Film Trailer by 'Undead Productions'

We had a lot of fun creating our film trailer, so to remember the laughs I put together the following 'outtakes' video for our group. 'Infection' Outtakes

St Annes - near Blackpool.

Rainy A level 'Graphics' trip to St. Annes, near Blackpool, to provide useful research and inspiration for our unit 3 work.

I don't know how we managed it but we got lost even though St. Anne's isn't that big...

As you can see Syeda's not happy... :)

'Sister Selfie'
Here's my inspiration - my sister Sam, taken at her recent 'Graduation' from the London College of Fashion, a proud time for all the family xxx :).

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