Tuesday 8 July 2014

Open4 Learning Modules and Channel 4 Production Training Scheme

A few days ago I signed up for Channel 4's 'Open4' online learning platform http://open4.channel4.com/home?learning:2

On here you can learn how Channel 4 factual (documentaries and news programmes for instance) television programmes are made.  Ranging from the Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production levels of programme making through to developing programme ideas and pitching them to the Channel 4 commissioning team.

Working through the Open4 modules was really interesting and exciting,  I didn't realise the amount of teamwork required just to create, develop and make one programme.  After each module there is an assessment of what you've learned, which I have to admit was a little intense as you don't know how well or not you are progressing, until the end.

After completing the learning modules you are given a choice to apply for a Production Training Scheme, which is a paid placement lasting 12 months with one of the independent production companies that work together with Channel 4.

I decided to apply - even though I don't have much chance of receiving a placement because there are only 12 places available and thousands of applicants :).  I suppose if you don't try you'll never know... Fingers crossed.

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