Saturday 26 July 2014

HOT WEATHER = Shop Work & Content Writing

The UK has been experiencing very hot weather over the last week or so, which we Mancunians are not really used to...

Volunteering has been a bit rough as we don't have air conditioning in the shop and this morning I had to check through LOTS of clothing donation bags, then steam (I love this bit, but not today) and sort the clothes into sizes before hanging on rails.  Not much fun with only one fan and the door wedged open for ventilation.  Has to be done though.

Unfortunately we didn't have many customers either, I reckon it was too hot for most people to come out shopping - so during the last 45 minutes of my shift we all sat down with a cold drink.

I've mostly sat inside at home, sunbathing is not for me - I get bored too easily. So I've had lots of time to continue with my 'sit-com' writing.

I've drafted content ideas for around 3 more individual programmes, but only posted the 1st for now.

The idea is to keep my online followers wanting more - seems to be working :).

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