Saturday 12 April 2014

Final A2 Media Film Trailer, Poster and Magazine Front Cover and Public Feedback and Evaluations

At last I've completed everything for my A2 Media Coursework - please take a look at my A2 media blog using this link. Completed A2 Media coursework

Now I have to start putting myself on 'lock-down', stock up on the Lucozade and Nutrigrain Bars (maybe the odd 'Strawberry Shoelace') as there's an exam written paper revision storm coming called 'Critical Perspectives in Media' - NOOooooooooooo :(.

10th June - day before my 18th birthday and I have a written exam, suppose it's marginally better than taking a Maths GCSE on my 16th birthday. Sounds like loads of time for plenty of revision, I wish - I still have Fine Art and Graphics sketchbooks and final pieces to produce and finish, plus come up with ideas/prepare for and take 2 x 15 hour exams - I'm not really complaining........

Keep going - wish me luck for 10th June :).

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