Friday 31 January 2014

A2 Fine Art unit 3 final work.

Finished my A2 Fine Art unit 3 coursework last night - the theme was 'City Life', based on my experiences during our college trip to London last October.

The 'Paper' Exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery was really interesting.  I was fascinated by Dawn Clements' detailed illustrations Paper exhibition.  She works on what seem like endless, huge rolls of paper, patiently detailing stories from her favourite films and books. Sometimes she captures 360 degree images of her present surroundings like her studio or living room for instance.

Here are some photographs of Dawn Clements 'Travels with Myra Hudson' - inspired by one of her favourite films 'Sudden Fear', 1952, starring Joan Crawford.

'Travels with Myra Hudson' - complete image
Inspired by Dawn Clements and persuaded by my Fine Art teacher, I've attempted to detail my London 'City Life' observations on a wallpaper lining roll, using ink, acrylic, watercolour, tissue and many other types of medium.

Here are some photographs of my work, I've tried to show interesting parts of the city and capture the contrast between day and night time, rush hour versus night's out for example.

I also made a short film to help show the full 'roll' effect.  

Tuesday 28 January 2014

1 down, 2 to go...

I handed in my unit 3 Media Studies coursework, last Friday :).  Now the pressure is on to finish my Graphics and Fine Art for this Friday :(.

Here's some of my Graphics work so far.

Jonathan my graphics tutor wanted me to experiment further with illustration and typography, still based on a London theme.  I've hand drawn 4 well known London sites and then added colour, shade and tone, using Photoshop.

This process requires a lot of patience and a steady hand, but the finished results are professional looking.

I'm also working hard on my Fine Art unit 3 final piece which is also London themed.  I'm working with many mediums and textures to produce contrasting London 'rush hour' and 'night life' scenes, all put together on a long lining paper roll.

I'm really hoping I finish it in time, I have about one more scene to complete then tie in all the scenes together.  I'll add a photo of the finished piece as soon as I can.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Filming 'Bloom'.

Just got back from Rob's, everything went to plan and we finished filming all the scenes for Bloom this weekend :).  Rob's going to edit next week, so it shouldn't be too long before the film is complete.

As well as script supervision I kept a look out and spotted a few continuity differences that occured because we filmed on 2 separate locations and there were some costume changes.  We had to make some minor alterations to the film script as a couple of the scenes didn't film as well as they read on paper.  Overall Rob was really pleased, he said I'd been very helpful and filming wouldn't have gone as smoothly without my 'running' help :).

Bloom characters from left - 'Terra', 'James', 'Gosse' & 'Emily'.
Rob asked if I could help out again soon because Sic-Infit Productions intend to make quite a few more short films. I've really enjoyed this weekend, I've learned such a lot and feel good about getting 'hands on experience.

Working Behind The Scenes.

Please check our 'Bloom' news web page for further information :).

Friday 24 January 2014

A2 Media Studies film trailer - 'INFECTION'...!

Phew, I'm so happy right now :).  My group and I have managed to put everything together on time and have now produced our own zombie film trailer 'Infection'.

I'm really proud of our team and our trailer - we worked really hard.  You don't realise how much effort goes into even just making a short film, until you make you own that is.

Anyway enough talk, please take a look and see what you think :) 'Infection' film trailer - Undead Productions, hope you like it?

Thursday 23 January 2014

A2 Media Studies - Film Trailer 'Hand In'

I'm glad to say I've finished my film poster and movie magazine front cover - ready for hand in. Just have to finish editing our group 'Infection' film trailer, then we will have to wait for the moderator and teacher's feedback :).

I'm really pleased with the end results, my Media/Graphics Photoshop skills came in handy.

My 'Spotlight' movie magazine front cover featuring Alice, our protagonist.

My zombie eye poster advertising our film 'Infection'.

Front cover and poster development can be found on my A2 Media blog.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Zombie trailer - protagonist 'photo shoot'.

Gemma (our zombie trailer protagonist - 'Alice') kindly agreed to stay back at mine this afternoon/evening and model for me so I can create my individual A2 Media movie magazine front cover.

Front cover of my 'Spotlight' movie magazine so far.

Here's the first shot (one of MANY) of Gemma wearing her 'Infection' costume.  I re-applied her make up, cuts, bruises, injured hand etc and gave her a blood stained axe to hold - not your usual Sunday afternoon activities but we had fun working together.

Taking over my living room once more I made a temporary 'photo shoot backdrop' by pinning a large black sheet to the wall.  Gemma was really professional and after LOTS of photographs, lighting adjustments and poses later we'd finished the shoot and checked the results in under 2 hours :). I'm really pleased as everything ran smoothly to plan.

Manipulating the best image with Photoshop software should help create a convincing 'zombie film' effect for my magazine cover.  I can't wait to get started on this :).

I'll post more information about today's film action and photo shoot, plus my finished magazine cover on my A2 Media Blog.

A2 Media studies group film trailer - more zombie scenes for 'Infection'...

Mum had a houseful early this afternoon - felt quite sorry for her what with make up and fake blood flying around everywhere.  My media group and I decided to film some scenes on nearby waste ground, so it made sense to 'zombify' the cast at my house - plus not terrorise traffic and pedestrians when moving to our location :).

I have to say we did quite well organising 8 people.

We had a brilliant time filming (despite the cold), managing to shoot all our remaining scenes and have fun at the same time.  I'm really looking forward to adding our own sounds and music then editing the footage - hopefully we should finish our film trailer by the end of January deadline :).

Saturday 18 January 2014

'Bloom' Get Together.

Tonight's events were very interesting.  Before we start filming 'Bloom', Rob (Director and co-owner of Sic-Infit Film Productions) arranged for cast and crew to meet up at his flat so we could all get to know one another.  I was really nervous at first but everyone was nice and it wasn't long before we had quite a few laughs - in between working of course :).

To get into the swing of things Rob had us reading the Bloom script out loud, then the questions and answers flowed soon after.  Bloom is such a mysterious, short horror story - now I'm really excited to help out next weekend!...

In between several cups of tea and costume fittings the make up team discussed hair/wigs and styles of character make-up. They conducted skin allergy tests on the cast using fake blood and silicone - fingers crossed there won't be any skin reactions.  I've also learn't about 'tear sticks' make up artists use to make actors cry - NO it's not a big stick they beat the actors with! :) It's a menthol stick (smells like vapour rub) that you sweep under the eye to make it red, plus the fumes help to produce tears.

Rob had some of the cast record some short dialogue, while I cracked on showing Becca, who plays Emily, how to hold and work the replica gun I'd brought in for props.  Before the evening ended Rob further explained when and where filming will take place, apologising for the intensity of the scheduling. He's hoping we can complete everything in one weekend but advised we might have to get back together a couple more times if things don't go to plan.

As film 'Runner' I reckon I'm going to be pretty busy, helping with script supervision, guiding the cast, managing props and arranging sets plus whatever else is needed to help filming run smoothly. I've got my kit together - script, call sheets, baby wipes, fake blood, tissues, needle and thread, safety pins etc, so I should be able to tackle any small problems that come along.

Roll on the 25th Jan...:)