Sunday 19 January 2014

Zombie trailer - protagonist 'photo shoot'.

Gemma (our zombie trailer protagonist - 'Alice') kindly agreed to stay back at mine this afternoon/evening and model for me so I can create my individual A2 Media movie magazine front cover.

Front cover of my 'Spotlight' movie magazine so far.

Here's the first shot (one of MANY) of Gemma wearing her 'Infection' costume.  I re-applied her make up, cuts, bruises, injured hand etc and gave her a blood stained axe to hold - not your usual Sunday afternoon activities but we had fun working together.

Taking over my living room once more I made a temporary 'photo shoot backdrop' by pinning a large black sheet to the wall.  Gemma was really professional and after LOTS of photographs, lighting adjustments and poses later we'd finished the shoot and checked the results in under 2 hours :). I'm really pleased as everything ran smoothly to plan.

Manipulating the best image with Photoshop software should help create a convincing 'zombie film' effect for my magazine cover.  I can't wait to get started on this :).

I'll post more information about today's film action and photo shoot, plus my finished magazine cover on my A2 Media Blog.

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