Tuesday 28 January 2014

1 down, 2 to go...

I handed in my unit 3 Media Studies coursework, last Friday :).  Now the pressure is on to finish my Graphics and Fine Art for this Friday :(.

Here's some of my Graphics work so far.

Jonathan my graphics tutor wanted me to experiment further with illustration and typography, still based on a London theme.  I've hand drawn 4 well known London sites and then added colour, shade and tone, using Photoshop.

This process requires a lot of patience and a steady hand, but the finished results are professional looking.

I'm also working hard on my Fine Art unit 3 final piece which is also London themed.  I'm working with many mediums and textures to produce contrasting London 'rush hour' and 'night life' scenes, all put together on a long lining paper roll.

I'm really hoping I finish it in time, I have about one more scene to complete then tie in all the scenes together.  I'll add a photo of the finished piece as soon as I can.

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