Sunday 26 January 2014

Filming 'Bloom'.

Just got back from Rob's, everything went to plan and we finished filming all the scenes for Bloom this weekend :).  Rob's going to edit next week, so it shouldn't be too long before the film is complete.

As well as script supervision I kept a look out and spotted a few continuity differences that occured because we filmed on 2 separate locations and there were some costume changes.  We had to make some minor alterations to the film script as a couple of the scenes didn't film as well as they read on paper.  Overall Rob was really pleased, he said I'd been very helpful and filming wouldn't have gone as smoothly without my 'running' help :).

Bloom characters from left - 'Terra', 'James', 'Gosse' & 'Emily'.
Rob asked if I could help out again soon because Sic-Infit Productions intend to make quite a few more short films. I've really enjoyed this weekend, I've learned such a lot and feel good about getting 'hands on experience.

Working Behind The Scenes.

Please check our 'Bloom' news web page for further information :).

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