Friday 19 December 2014

Finished for Christmas Holidays :).

I've loved these past few months at uni but it's been hard work - physically and mentally.  I'm happy to say our 20 minute radio show exam went quite well - but I think my group and other course mates are all glad it's over and done with :).

Please click on these links to hear our 'Media City Monday's' magazine style radio show 'Media City Monday's' radio show and my individual project where I created our Shock Radio jingle to introduce Media City Monday's.  I made this by recording my own voice and actuality then edited together using Adobe Audition software Shock Radio Jingle for 'Media City Monday's radio show.

Content Creation and half of Radio Production hand in's are now over, just got to finish my Media Texts and Audiences 2000 word essay and Radio Production 20 minute live show 1000 word critical analysis :(.

I've made a start with both pieces of writing but for now I'm looking forward to a nice quiet Christmas with my family - I'll pick up with uni work after Boxing Day.

Happy Christmas !!!

Sunday 7 December 2014

Christmas with Uni / 20 Minute Magazine Radio Show Practice for 'Media City Monday's'.

Not the usual way I like to spend my Sundays - I don't mind admitting I'm pretty shattered at the moment.  Had to get to uni for 9am this morning and meet up with the rest of our radio magazine show group, so we could practice our programme content in the studio for our 20 minute show/exam scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Surprisingly all went well, our 3 hour studio session passing quickly.  We ironed out a few problems, Luke and Alex perfected their programme presenting skills, while Shannon and I grew more familiar and confident with the studio desks, working the mikes and sound levels plus Cartwall music beds.

On a lighter note, Christmas is only a couple of week's away :), here's a photo of our uni Christmas Tree = PRETTY.

Friday 21 November 2014

Volunteering for our Salford International 'Next Generation Media Festival'.

Just got back from my 'Next Generation' volunteering.

This is me hard at work inside our uni reception area - helping to welcome/register/and when necessary guide students and media professionals to the various lecture rooms.  An intense 2 days but I gained good experience, met some really nice people and got to grips with portable radio communication - felt quite professional...

Here's a 'Flickr' link displaying more festival images Salford International Media Festival - November 2014.

I managed to catch a couple of the many lectures and presentations in between my volunteering shifts.  I'm really happy I have this chance to study and work within the media industry :).

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Getting to grips with Radio Production and Studio Skills :) PLUS CBeebie's filming...

After several 'Radio Skills' lessons I decided to make use of one of uni's studios and practice what I've learn't so far.

Here I am not looking intimidated by our Cartwall and Sound Desk... Learn't a lot today, which is important as later on this semester I have to work as part of a group to create, produce and present a 20 minute live radio show...

On a lighter note, my course mates and I decided to pop across to the Lowry Outlet this lunchtime, passing a BBC crew busily filming Captain Hook's boat for the CBeebies Christmas Panto :).

Monday 3 November 2014

2 Minute Radio Interview = Radio Production is HARD... :)

My first 'uni' Radio Production assignment is to research, create, edit and produce my own 2 minute radio interview = HARD.

After much 'Googling' and telephoning, I managed to secure Fire Fighter Morris to interview regarding Greater Manchester's Fire and Rescue Service 'Cadet Scheme'.  A project designed to help improve the lives of local youths, enabling them to experience many skills, not all fire-fighting related - increasing employability prospects.

Interviewing Fire-fighter Morris at Mossley Fire Station.
Here's a photograph of Firefighter Morris and myself - using a Marantz 660 to recording the interview.

He was also a great help when I had to record 'actuality', additional sounds to help my interview sound more interesting and realistic.  Actuality such as fire engine noise, tannoy messages and siren wailing being just some examples.  I used Adobe Audition software to put my recorded interview and actuality together, this was rather time consuming but I really enjoyed the editing process.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

ITV's Judge Rinder Audience Participation.

Had a long but brilliant day today - all thanks to ITV's Judge Rinder team.  A week ago uni emailed students, passing on audience participation invites for the show.  My mum and I set off early, arriving at the studios excited to watch the programme.

All the production team were really friendly, looking after all the audience making sure we knew what was going to happen and when, plus instructing where we were seated and how to react during filming.

Filming lasted approximately 2 and a half hours - however this time flew by as watching the Judge, Robert Rinder, getting to grips with the cases was professional but amusing at the same time.  Mum and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and would love to come back to court again some day - in the audience I mean...:).

Here's a few images of one of the cases we watched, courtesy of ITV Player's website :-

Claudette v's Marie - The Case of the Broken Fence, courtesy of 'Judge Rinder' & ITV Player website.
Not one to brag - but there's me on the back row!!!! :) :).

Back to the case, here's a brilliant screenshot of Robert - he's scarily hilarious, perfect for the show.

Robert Rinder - image courtesy of  'Judge Rinder' & ITV Player website.
Finally a wide angle shot of warring neighbours.

Claudette (left) - Marie (right) - image courtesy of 'Judge Rinder' & ITV Player website.

Like I said earlier, a brilliant, interesting and entertaining day - topped off with the programme rewarding we the audience with a free lunch :).... Straight across the Quays into Nando's !!!!!! :)

Friday 5 September 2014

My MEDIA CITY Uni !!!......:) :) :)

Now I'm definitely a Salford Uni student I decided to do the sensible thing and check out travelling times from home to Media City...

Metro tram station - 2 minute walk from my Uni...

So EARLY this morning (07:15) I caught the bus, then after a short tram ride I arrived at Uni in a little under an hour and a half :).

If you look closely you can see my Uni - getting excited now !!!!!
View from across the Quay's.
Piccadilly Manchester - Bus Stop for home.

Thursday 14 August 2014

GET IN - I'm now a Salford University Television and Radio Degree Student !!!

 Words can't express how happy I feel this morning after reading this...

Both excited and scared about beginning my Television and Radio course in September :).

Monday 28 July 2014

College feels like a distant memory...

I'm patiently waiting for my A level results - dreading 14th August :(.  So keeping myself busy before hopefully going to Uni in September, so I thought 'time to give my room a bit of a makeover'.

I want to make a 'Memory and Inspiration wall'.  Buying most of Paperchase's postcard collection and printing my favourite photographs reminded me of my time spent at college.  Hard work - which I'm glad I did, but mainly remembering my class mates and the laughs we had :).

Here's a few college memories - some good, some not so! :)

Classroom Banter :).

Don't know why but this always makes me laugh?  I used Photoshop to change this photograph into a comic book style image.

Media Studies kids with our tutor Angela - AFTER taking last exam - phew :).
I love this photograph - taken straight after we Media kids had finished our last exam - best time ever! :)

Filming 'Infection'.

Will always love this memory.  Laughing with my friend Gemma who helped me and my A Level Media Studies Film Trailer group such a LOT, during production of our Zombie Film Trailer. 

'Infection' Film Trailer by 'Undead Productions'

We had a lot of fun creating our film trailer, so to remember the laughs I put together the following 'outtakes' video for our group. 'Infection' Outtakes

St Annes - near Blackpool.

Rainy A level 'Graphics' trip to St. Annes, near Blackpool, to provide useful research and inspiration for our unit 3 work.

I don't know how we managed it but we got lost even though St. Anne's isn't that big...

As you can see Syeda's not happy... :)

'Sister Selfie'
Here's my inspiration - my sister Sam, taken at her recent 'Graduation' from the London College of Fashion, a proud time for all the family xxx :).

Saturday 26 July 2014

HOT WEATHER = Shop Work & Content Writing

The UK has been experiencing very hot weather over the last week or so, which we Mancunians are not really used to...

Volunteering has been a bit rough as we don't have air conditioning in the shop and this morning I had to check through LOTS of clothing donation bags, then steam (I love this bit, but not today) and sort the clothes into sizes before hanging on rails.  Not much fun with only one fan and the door wedged open for ventilation.  Has to be done though.

Unfortunately we didn't have many customers either, I reckon it was too hot for most people to come out shopping - so during the last 45 minutes of my shift we all sat down with a cold drink.

I've mostly sat inside at home, sunbathing is not for me - I get bored too easily. So I've had lots of time to continue with my 'sit-com' writing.

I've drafted content ideas for around 3 more individual programmes, but only posted the 1st for now.

The idea is to keep my online followers wanting more - seems to be working :).

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Open4 Learning Modules and Channel 4 Production Training Scheme

A few days ago I signed up for Channel 4's 'Open4' online learning platform

On here you can learn how Channel 4 factual (documentaries and news programmes for instance) television programmes are made.  Ranging from the Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production levels of programme making through to developing programme ideas and pitching them to the Channel 4 commissioning team.

Working through the Open4 modules was really interesting and exciting,  I didn't realise the amount of teamwork required just to create, develop and make one programme.  After each module there is an assessment of what you've learned, which I have to admit was a little intense as you don't know how well or not you are progressing, until the end.

After completing the learning modules you are given a choice to apply for a Production Training Scheme, which is a paid placement lasting 12 months with one of the independent production companies that work together with Channel 4.

I decided to apply - even though I don't have much chance of receiving a placement because there are only 12 places available and thousands of applicants :).  I suppose if you don't try you'll never know... Fingers crossed.

Friday 4 July 2014

Television Programme Content Writing

Now I have more time I've been keeping up to date with my Tumblr account, writing and sharing new ideas relating to my favourite American sitcom.

I've taken my passion a little further and joined 'Archive of Our Own', where I publish my content ideas and related artwork. I don't consider myself a writer by any means, but I think I have some interesting and amusing content ideas, confirmed by the feedback I receive :)

Friday 27 June 2014

Hospice Shop Volunteering

My friend Gemma mentioned the other day that our local Willow Wood hospice shop is having to shut early or not open at all due to lack of volunteers :(.  Now I've finished my A levels I have more time on my hands so I decided to get back into doing 'my bit' and helping out when I can.

I've not long finished this morning's shift, it was easy enough getting back into the swing of things - even though I haven't volunteered since last summer. It was a bit quiet and lonely today, not so many customers, so I tidied up and dusted then sorted through donations.  Not had a chance to do my favourite job yet - 'steaming', don't know why but everyone fights for their chance with the steamer... :o

I'm back in tomorrow, looking forward to it - plus Gemma works Saturday's.

Saturday 21 June 2014

The Fault in our Stars....sniff, sniff...

Finished reading John Green's 'The fault in our Stars'........pretty heartbreaking to say the least as it's about two teenagers who fall in love when they meet at a cancer support group.  So not to do things in half measures,my friends and I watched the film today, (nothing like a double dose of angst...) I won't give away the ending..... WAAaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Needless to say I watched and evaluated 'The fault in our Stars' purely for media research - it had NOTHING to do with the main character 'Augustus Waters'....

Who am I kidding - Love you Ansel :) :), here's the film trailer - get the 'Kleenex' ready.

Thursday 19 June 2014

A2 Fine Art Exhibition

I went back into college yesterday to prepare some of my Unit 4 artwork for tonight's private Fine Art Exhibition.

Here's a couple of photographs displaying some of my 'Multiple Images' Fine Art final pieces.

As you can see my friend and model Gemma, features quite a lot in my work :).

The bottom piece of work is my 15 hour exam piece, featuring multiple images of Gemma.  Displayed in a 'Triptych' style, using acrylic paint and gold embossed metal sheeting -  inspired by the artist's Gustav Klimt and Alphonse Mucha.

Influenced by Renaissance and more modern imagery, I used adapted traditional and Photoshop digital techniques, plus some iPhone Applications, to help produce several interesting and unusual multiple image artworks.

Friday 13 June 2014

Friday 13th - Salford Uni and Jeremy Kyle = Lucky for some :)

Today has been a very LONG but interesting day - spent entirely at Media City - Salford Quays.  I had to get up really early this morning and take the Metrolink from Piccadilly to Media City so I could be at Salford University for 9am.

I'd enrolled on their 'Create at Salford Festival 2014 - Enquirers and Applicants Discovery Day, together with their Television and Radio undergraduate course Taster Session'.  I was really lucky to grab the last taster session ticket as this was only for a limited number of applicants.

I was really excited and nervous to begin with but felt a little easier as the morning progressed with a tour of the uni's £2 million studios and their HUGE green screen.  'Ash' our tutor, let us familiarize ourselves with the cameras and other equipment, which I jumped at the chance to have a play with, then found out the camera's alone cost MANY tens of thousands of £'s!

Today's taster session was so much fun, giving me great insight to the types of equipment used in television production - something I'm unfamiliar with as having only just finished my 'Media Studies' A level course, the only equipment we used was a Canon camera - still made a great film trailer with this though :).

Trying hard not to be intimidated (the uni's television camera's are HUGE, but surprisingly quite easy to navigate), I'm glad I was 'hand's on' as it didn't take me long before I felt comfortable using the camera.  I only panned and zoomed in on a subject, but really happy I had a go, I had a great time :). 

The added bonus of this morning's taster session was meeting and chatting with tutors and staff plus like-minded potential applicants :).

After a quick lunch, it was time to queue for ITV's Jeremy Kyle show.  I couldn't believe how quickly I received 'first come first served' audience tickets - I only enquired  last week :).

The only drawback was having to queue in the ITV building for what seemed like hours.  My feet are still 'killing me'...  Thankfully we all got through the checkpoint to take part in the afternoon studio audience :) :).

The studio team took our group photograph for the Jeremy Kyle facebook page - I'm middle right with 'hands' in front of my face.
Before the show even started this studio experience was a real 'eye-opener'  I noticed there was a large production team, mostly younger people (Runner's I think) not much older than myself, who helped with general tasks such as greeting and showing everyone to their seats, health and safety making us aware of some of the equipment and wires, also warning us about the 'mikes' above our heads - so had to be careful what we said to one another.....(can hear everything :))  They encouraged us to laugh, cheer and boo if we felt like it during filming and took photographs to further make our experience more enjoyable and memorable.

There were lots of different types of camera, including a hidden one looking straight at the audience.  Several 'time served' camera operators - the only female one working the hidden camera.

After the 'warm up' jokes Jeremy came onto the studio floor - he's really easy going and very funny.

'Jezza' image taken from the Internet.
Jeremy then introduced and explained how he'd been working with a famous couple called the 'Speakmans' that morning and how they had used several techniques (to be shown on their forthcoming show on July 14th), to help him overcome his intense fear of spiders, other large insects and snakes.  We the audience were then shown some VT taken this morning, showing Jeremy diving across the other side of the stage when faced with the creepy crawlies etc.  We all laughed, it was funny watching Jeremy actually scared of something when he battles with people on a daily basis.....then the Speakmans were introduced onto the stage, followed by the spiders, creepy crawlies and snake.... I have to say not nice :(.  Eyes fixed on Jeremy, he didn't budge from the stage and was perfectly fine with holding the giant spider.  Something he couldn't have done without the help given earlier by the Speakmans.

Anyway to kick things off we were shown more VT announcing the Speakmans future show showing how they help many people trapped and burdened by their individual fears.  Next we, the audience, had to pretend that we had watched the earlier show and that there had been a break and the show was beginning again, so we had to stand, clap and cheer.  Then Jeremy did his usual 'signing off' speech.

Image taken from the internet.
This happened again when the show kicked off properly and Jeremy counselled/grilled the people who had come on the show to find answers to their problems.

It really interesting how the show is filmed in stages, not always flowing together, and how it's edited with clips showing the audience's reactions to Jeremy and the interviewee's with music and additional VT.  Seeing the show made is totally different to what you finally see on screen - I'd love to have a go at editing again, I find this part of programme making really creative and interesting.

Finally, I think the best part of today, apart from me being let loose with expensive camera equipment, was when Jeremy had his photograph taken with a lovely elderly lady from our studio audience, 'Ivy' - she was 93 and kept saying how much she 'loved him'........:)  (Ivy is front row centre on the above JK facebook page photograph :))

I've had a long but great day, my head is full of magic and my feet swollen but I've really enjoyed myself.  

Thank god for cups of tea!!!! Cure's everything :).

Wednesday 11 June 2014

18 and Exams are over !!!!!!!!!!!

18 - Finally.......:)

A double celebration as now completed all my A level coursework and exams, plus no more college :) :) :).

Sunday 4 May 2014

Final photo shoot, exam preparation and Art and Graphics A Level Exam 'Final Pieces'

Graphics and Fine Art 15 hour exams are looming, so thought I'd better get cracking and take some more professional looking 'human' images for possible use in my work.

Yet again Gemma kindly agreed to be my model - she's helped me such a lot over the past 2 years.  Before the shoot my mum helped with styling Gemma's hair, I applied her make up and supplied the dress and together with mum I helped fix a white bed sheet to the wall - for my backdrop.  I wanted white because it would be easier to cut away Gemma's image from the background when using Photoshop.  

Here's a couple of behind the scene's - taken by Mum...

Here are a few of MANY images taken today...

Graphics first:-

To kick off I asked Gemma to sit down while looking into the distance.  I could possibly use this image for a 'Lil Bo Peep' nursery rhyme book cover.  Perhaps place her on a hillside, with her lost sheep hiding behind her?

Here's my finished 'Lil Bo Peep' inspired Nursery Rhyme book cover.  During part of the 15 hour graphics exam I had to create my hand drawn 'stock images', sheep sun, flowers, hat etc., for the background, plus publisher's logo. Using my favourite nursery rhyme style font, I put everything together including the book cover border, added colour, shade and tone using Photoshop software.

This is one of my favourite shots of Gemma.  I asked to sit on a chair and hold her hands as if resting them on something.  I have an idea about her sitting on Humpty Dumpty's wall :).

I'm really pleased with my 'Humpty Dumpty' inspired 2nd book cover.  I like how it's a 'mystery' - did Humpty fall off the wall or was he pushed?  If so, by who, Princess Gemma or the Sunflower's?

I used the same processes as my above 'Lil Bo Peep' cover.

Jonathan, my Graphics tutor, suggested that we add a few nursery rhyme style book pages as well as our book covers.  It was a little intense trying to fit everything into the 15 hours but here are my 2 copies of Nursery Rhyme 'Introduction', 'Foreword' and 'Nursery Rhyme' pages.

 'Introduction' pages are usually very simple, here I've added my own chicken and spider 'stock images' and favourite font, together my miniature version of my publisher's logo.

Here are my 2 x 'Foreword' pages.

 'Foreword' pages are usually written by the book publisher, explaining what the book is about and who it's designed for.

Here are my 2 x 'Nursery Rhyme' pages.

The exam specified that you could either create your own nursery rhyme or use traditional already created ones.  I decided to use existing rhymes, as had more than enough work to do during my exam.

Again using my favourite font and my own 'stock images' (mouse, clock, teapot and cup/saucer) created and Photoshop enhanced during the exam, here I've managed to create simple but effective nursery rhyme pages.

It was really hard and the pressure was on during my 15 hour exam, I had to design and draw everything from scratch.  However, once the 'ground work' was completed it was a little easier to create and put all my pages together.

I'm really happy with the final results, I think my book covers and pages appear professional, bright and colourful and would be enjoyable to look at and read.

Now for Fine Art and 'Multiple Images'.

I really like these shot's of Gemma because they're long, medium and close up images.  I can use these for my 'Multiple Images' 15 hour exam.

I'm inspired by my earlier research and Renaissance style (fashion model) triptych, and by beautiful paintings of women created by artists such as Alphonse Mucha and Gustav Klimt. So I decided to create my own multiple image of Gemma, using both paint and metal shapes to add texture.

My 'Fashion Icon's' golden triptych
Alphonse Mucha
Gustav Klimt
I only had 15 hours for my Fine Art exam, so unfortunately I didn't have time to take any photographs of my exam 'Multiple Image.  

I decided to push myself and create quite a large piece of artwork.  First of all I printed A3 size versions of my above 3 photographs of Gemma.  Then during the exam I carefully cut around the print outs and arranged the images of Gemma so they overlapped one another on my paper.

Smaller test version using A4 images cut out and overlapping one another.
Using 2 pieces of carbon paper taped together, sandwiched between the photographs and paper, I quickly drew over the cut out photographs leaving the copied images on the paper.  I wanted my Gemma's to have 'halo's' same as the Renaissance and my modern fashion model triptych's.  So using a mathematics compass I carefully measured from the middle of each of the Gemma faces to the top of the shoulders - then drew halo shapes around the heads.
Earlier rough carbon sketch and 'halo' practice.
I then applied a 'wash' of multi-tonal orange acrylic to the paper background, in the same fashion as the above Alphonse Mucha image.  Next I blended and added skin tone coloured acrylic to the Gemma's.  With the majority of large paint areas covered that was 5 hours of the exam over already!

A week later, in between continuing with my additional final art pieces and finishing my sketchbook, I painted the dresses, halo's, roses and some of the hair, adding as much detail as possible - 5 hours flew by again!

The final 5 hours of the exam and the pressure was on... :(. I added more texture and tones to the Gemma's hair, painted shade and tone onto the images and added facial detail.  With under a couple of hours left I then cut out circles of bronze coloured thin metal, using a special cutting machine, then proceeded to add texture and patterns to the metal shapes using a rounded pencil.  I also spray painted random stationary objects such as treasury tags and paper clips in a gold colour.  
With an hour left of the exam I quickly began glueing the metal shapes and objects to the golden halo's, mimicking the Klimt artwork style.  Immediately this added so much texture and interest to my painting.  With around 20 minutes to go, I wanted to add definition and texture in the same style as my earlier 'fashion model' triptych. I carefully applied black fine lines onto my paintings, defining the patterns on the dresses, the roses, hair and finally the faces.  I wanted my triple Gemma's to look like Renaissance style subjects.

With about a minute to go I added a final highlight to the eyes on one of my multiple Gemma's and was then finally finished :).

I can honestly say I worked hard on my exam piece and am quite proud of the end result.  I think I've managed to incorporate the different styles of my favourite artists while still sticking to a 'Multiple Image' theme.